I help my clients BE their design. 

Christy Avis

Hey gorgeous. I’m Christy Avis. 5/1 Manifesting Generator Leo.

Human Design, Alignment, Frequency Attunement, Business Coach

I stand for energetics AND strategy

Human Ascension AND enjoying being human

Deep impact AND making f*ck tons of money

I help my clients BE their design. Human design taught in a way where you become the living embodiment of alignment instead of concepts you intellectualize.

A space where we create coherence in the frequency you emit and the frequency of your desires.

A space where we own the frequency of being THAT B*TCH, where you no longer subscribe to the paradigms of hustle, working your way up, playing with logic and time. A frequency where life, love, money, and business expansion all exist in the now moment.

I stand for women living lives that are so full, so happy, and so in tune with themselves that everything else is just a bonus.

This is my mission, my purpose, my being.